1917: Glory Hancock

1917: Glory Hancock

Glory Hancock and wounded soldiers As it happened, Madelon was home on leave April 6, 1917, the day the US entered the Great War. She wondered about the reaction of her fellow nurses in the field hospital just behind the front lines in Belgium. Elation, perhaps, at...
1916: Flood (Martha)

1916: Flood (Martha)

After this picture was taken, the rest of the railroad bridge fell into the flood waters. “I don’t know what to do.” Martha said to Jan. “Well, you have to go back. That much you know already. Doesn’t a lot depend on how Randall reacts?” Jan’s eyebrows were lowered...
2020: Affordable Housing

2020: Affordable Housing

The Evolution From Historic Boarding House to Affordable Housing KEVIN SPARGO PHOTOS In 2001, I took on a rehab project that featured energy retrofits, historic restoration, and affordable housing. At the time, the building at 100 Biltmore Ave. was falling apart and...
1986: Robert’s Dad

1986: Robert’s Dad

When I opened the front door, the stench knocked me back outside. It was like the time a raccoon died in the crawl space under my house. I called inside for my father, but the house was too quiet.  I had planned this trip from Vermont to Asheville to visit my...