1932 Mrs. Sorrell’s Boarding House

Wouldn’t it be a shame, Flora thought, the box of True American Diamond Matches rattling in her hand, wouldn’t it be a shame if the old place burned down? The cool night air tugged at Flora’s apron, somewhere down the way a dog barked. Biltmore Ave. was deserted...

1962 Maria Fletcher’s Parade

Lilly and Tommy           Lilly Scanlon’s mother should have been there by now. The parade was starting to come into the square already, excitement buzzing in the air as people of all ages lined the sidewalks, eager to...
1928: Elroy’s Legacy

1928: Elroy’s Legacy

The black cat summoned me — and hastened my departure months afterwards. I was weary and thirsty that late September day in 1928 as I trudged up Main Street. I passed the attractive Gray Rock Inn, but I knew it was beyond my means. However, just north of the inn, I...
2020: Affordable Housing

2020: Affordable Housing

The Evolution From Historic Boarding House to Affordable Housing KEVIN SPARGO PHOTOS In 2001, I took on a rehab project that featured energy retrofits, historic restoration, and affordable housing. At the time, the building at 100 Biltmore Ave. was falling apart and...
1986: Robert’s Dad

1986: Robert’s Dad

When I opened the front door, the stench knocked me back outside. It was like the time a raccoon died in the crawl space under my house. I called inside for my father, but the house was too quiet.  I had planned this trip from Vermont to Asheville to visit my...